Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Whence Oil

So now Karl Rove opines that the policies of his political opponents may push oil to $200/barrel specifically because of their possible Iraq policies:

"If we were to give up Iraq with the third largest oil reserves in the world to the control of an Al Qaida regime or to the control of Iran, don’t you think $200 a barrel oil would have a cost to the American economy?"
But it's important to recognize that oil did NOT cross the $100/barrel threshold simply because of the Iraq disaster. A range of reasons, including the inevitable peaking of the logistic function and the blind eye that has been turned to that issue by government, industry and consumers alike, and a deficit-crippled, reeling US economy coupled with exploding competition for oil resources from other economies while the dollar is deeply sagging are contributing to send oil in the $200/barrel direction NO MATTER what happens in Iraq.

At EVERY juncture the willfully ignorant policies of this administration and its enablers in the legislature and the electorate have relentlessly pulled us into this death spiral with our addiction to oil. Rove and his desperate band must know this and must understand at some level their abject complicity in, if not active pursuit of so many aspects of this situation. I suspect and as always, they are trying to lay the ground so that when the worst inevitably happens and the associated suffering ensues, he and his fellow hacks can blame their political enemies. Sic semper propagandists.