Saturday, April 28, 2007

George Tenet's Honor

Since I began reading about George Tenet’s recent revelations about his role in the runup to the Iraq war, I have found myself nearly speechless with outrage. Others have given voice to much of my response but, I still feel it necessary to splutter and spit through my virtual clenched teeth from this virtual soap box a response to this:

"You don't do this. You don't throw somebody overboard just because it's a deflection. Is that honorable? It's not honorable to me," Tenet said in an interview to be broadcast on Sunday.

Mr. Tenet, sir: Honor?! Honor?! You SOB! You worse than SOB, you sociopath, you vile excuse for a specimen of the human race! More than 100,000 dead, many hundreds of thousands wounded and maimed, half a trillion dollars squandered, nearly 2,000,000 refugees, the foundation laid for violence and hatred and division and ruin that is likely to last generations, and you have the effrontery, the superficial ethics, to come before the people you betrayed –betrayed! - and to include among your accounting of the horrors, the piddling insult of your tarnished honor! Whether from incompetence, or political expedience, or for personal gain, or out of cowardice, or for your own personal cover for the mistakes of 9/11, or for whatever the hell the reason was, you, to whom we entrusted our resources, our lives and the lives others, to whom we entrusted our future, you betrayed us when it mattered the most. Listening to you whimper about your self-indulgent honor, I could just vomit.